Therminic short-course 2019
Temperatures are a dominant performance limiting factor in a wide field of applications like lighting, power conversion, drives and telecom. Cooling performance is a key driver in the performance of the end product. In addition, the cooling performance must be able to cope with a wide range of conditions to guard the reliability of the total system performance – while at the same time over-design must be avoided for reasons of compromising other desirable system attributes like price, volume or mass.
The short-course will treat the following topics:
- Translating system requirements to thermal requirements
- Thermal length scales for temperature drop in solids and for flow heating
- Input and output parameters
- Virtual Design of Experiments, using CFD to obtain the transfer function between design inputs and temperature outputs
- Monte Carlo simulation and statistical capability of the cooling performance to cope with variations in use conditions
- Multiple response optimization
- Optimization software
The short course is 9.00 – 17.00 on September 24th. Lunch, 2 coffee breaks and course book are included in the price. A limited number of student places is available at 25% student discount.
About the trainer:

Wendy Luiten is Master Black Belt and Electronics Cooling expert. She was Senior thermal specialist at Philips Research Eindhoven for 30+ years, lectures at the High Tech Institute Eindhoven for 10+ years, and she is Master Black Belt in innovation oriented DIDOV – Design for Six Sigma, currently involved in the training programme of Philips research Eindhoven.
Wendy Luiten is the author over 20 papers and holds 6 patents and pending patents. She received the best paper award at SEMI-THERM 2002, the Harvey Rosten award for Excellence in 2014 and the Philips Research Outstanding Achievement award in 2015, and is a long term member of the program comittee of both Therminic and Semitherm.