Alberto Castellazzi | Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS)

Synthesis and Analysis of Wide-band-gap Based Integrated Power Electronics: Enabling Exploitation of Higher Temperature Capability by Bespoke Models and Design Tools
Prof. Castellazzi has been active in power electronics research and development for about 20 years and has had extensive collaborations with major industrial and academic research laboratories at international level. He has authored or co-authored over 200 papers published in peer-reviewed specialist journals and conference proceedings, for which he also regularly acts as a reviewer.
His main research interests are the enabling technologies of power electronics conversion, including characterization, modeling, application, packaging and cooling of power devices.
Prof. Castellazzi is a member of the Technical Programme Committee of the ECCE-Asia, ESREF and ESTC conferences.
Pete Zampardi | Qorvo

Thermal Considerations in Handset Power Amplifier Technology and Modules
Pete Zampardi is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Qorvo in Corporate Advanced Development. His responsibilities include serving as an interface between the design community and technology development teams for modeling, technology development and characterization, design-kits, and device-design interactions.
He received his B.E. degree from Stevens Tech (1986), his M.S. degree from Caltech (1988), and his PhD from UCLA (1997, while working full time). From 1986-1990 he worked on optics, investigating material for visible light emitters, modeling and testing optical gyroscopes, and developing/characterizing optical filters. From 1990-1998 he focused on high-speed device, high-speed circuit development, characterization, and modeling in various technologies (HBT, HEMT, RTD). In 1999, he led the technical development for SiGe RF models for AMS Foundry at IBM, Vermont. From 2000-2012, he worked on PA technologies – leading the device design, modeling, and characterization of all aspects of SWKS Newbury Park technologies: from epi-design to circuit design support and technology comparisons.
He has authored or co-authored 4 book chapters and over 200 papers related to devices, circuits, and modeling. He is an active participant on executive and technical committees of BCICTS (the merger of Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium (CSICS) and Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM)) and IMS. He currently holds forty-five U.S. patents.
Dirk Schweitzer | Infineon Technologies AG

Trends and Developments in Thermal and Mechanical Simulation of Semiconductor Devices
Dirk Schweitzer works as Principal Simulation Engineer at Infineon Technologies AG where he is responsible for the thermal characterization and optimization of semiconductor devices and electronic applications. During almost 20 years of professional activity in the field of electronics cooling he experienced and contributed to the development of simulation and measurement methods in the past two decades.
He authored more than 30 publications, 25 of which in the field of thermal engineering. As an active member of the JEDEC JC-15 committee on thermal standards he was one of the main contributors to the development of a transient measurement standard for Rth-JC, a work which was acknowledged by the Harvey Rosten Award of Excellence in 2010.
Prior to his employment at Infineon he worked as a research assistant at the University of Augsburg, on the topic of molecular dynamics simulation. He received his degree in Physics at the University of Augsburg, Germany, in 1996.